3 Tips For Using A Floss Pick

Do you not like flossing your teeth with traditional dental floss? Do you tend not to floss regularly because of this? If so, you may find that it is easier to use floss picks to take care of your daily flossing. It is essentially dental floss with a built-in handle, which can make the job of cleaning between your teeth a lot easier. It can be for people that don't have the dexterity of using traditional dental floss, or those just looking for a different way to floss.

Basic Things To Know About Dental Implants Before Surgery

For a long time, people have relied on dental implants to replace a tooth that falls out or fails. This teeth replacement option offers a permanent solution for tooth loss, unlike other cosmetic dentistry procedures. Besides, the degree of reliability and stability compares to that of a natural tooth. Regardless, committing to a dental implant procedure isn't a minor decision, so it's advisable to know more about the treatment before committing.

Important Measures To Take With Gum Grafting For Periodontal Disease

If tartar buildup has the chance to become excessive, it can lead to periodontal disease that then causes the gums to recede back. Then your tooth roots are more exposed and that can cause pain. A gum graft is a procedure that can fix this issue, which will go smoothly if you take these measures. See a Periodontist First If you're having a lot of pain around the root of a tooth and believe it's because of periodontal disease, you want to get an official diagnosis first.

4 Root Canal Treatment Facts To Set Patients' Minds At Ease

Root canal treatment is sometimes necessary when cavities grow too large to be remedied with simple dental fillings. Root canal treatment can also help people who suffer from abscessed teeth. These facts can set patients' minds at ease when they are scheduling their root canal treatments: 1. Root canals are safe Some people worry that root canals are unsafe or that they might compromise the integrity of their jaw. However, you can rest assured that root canal treatment is a perfectly safe and routine procedure.

Detecting And Treating Genetic Dental Disorders: How Family Dentistry Can Help

While some dental problems will be the result of poor oral hygiene or trauma, others can be traced back to your genetics. Family dentists are in a unique position to help you address or even prevent these types of hereditary issues since they have the benefit of providing dental care for multiple members of your family and are therefore more familiar with which genetic conditions you may be at risk for developing.