Why Is Your Dental Implant Root Shaped Like A Screw?

If you have recently spoken to your dentist about having a dental implant secured in your mouth, then you may have seen some pictures that show what the implant root, artificial tooth, and the abutment look like. When looking at the implant root, you may have been surprised to learn that it looks like a screw. This is indeed the case and the screw shape actually provides the root with many different benefits. Keep reading to learn about a few. 

Reduced Bone Damage

Dental implant roots need to be securely inserted into the jaw bone so they do not move. While you may not put any direct pressure on the root for several months, you may place indirect stress on it. If the implant is able to move, then it will not bond correctly with the jaw. The tapered structure of the implant root allows your dental professional to physically screw the device down into the bone. This happens in much the same way that a screw is added to a piece of wood. 

While the tapered edges secure the root, it does so in a manner that reduces bone damage. Basically, a hole is drilled into the bone and the tapers of the screw cut into the hard tissue as the root is twisted into place. The bone is not crushed, smashed, or cracked to get the implant to sit correctly. Retaining as much of your healthy bone matter as possible is necessary to ensure a successful implant.

Increased Surface Area

You may already know that the implant healing process is a lengthy one. The healing of your jaw is the reason why it takes so long. Your jaw does not only heal, but it also attaches to the implant root. If the healing process goes smoothly, then the implant root will become a part of your jaw as it heals around the device.

The fusing process between the implant root and your bone is called osseointegration. The specific shape of the implant allows for the strongest and most complete osseointegration. The tapers and indentations along the screw increase the surface area of the device. This means there is more space for the bone to stick to the metal. You may not be able to see them, but there are also small holes or scratches all along the root as well. This is the result of sandblasting or an acid etching that gives the root texture. This adds even more surface area to the root. 

For more information, contact local professionals like Gallery Dental.
